Insanity Chronicle of Doom

Because everyone deserves the chance to chronicle ill-fated decisions to embark on workout plans that are far too advanced for them.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 1 - Fit Test (1/13)

After making an ill-fated 60 day vow of Insanity, one might as well jump in head first. And so we did. Day 1 of Insanity involves a "Fit Test" during which you can prove just how horribly unprepared you are for the next 60 days. In one minute increments, you perform such death-defying stunts as "push-up jacks" (because push ups and jumping jacks on their own are clearly not enough) and "suicide jumps" (no need to say more.)

You might think it would be best to engage in such a potentially embarrassing spectacle in the secret/comfort of your own home, but you would be dead wrong. A much better idea is to get two of your students to tally your Fit Test results while a slew of your colleagues stops by the classroom to gaze in wonder/horror at the spectacle before them.

The results are in! I am in fact fitter than HH. Boo-yeah. Or at least more willing to look a fool in front of a crowd of our peers. I hadddd been working out for all 16 days leading up to this Fit Exam (true story) which is perhaps what I have to thank for doing 70 whole power knees in a minute. As for the mere 7 push-up jacks? I don't know what to tell you.


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