Insanity Chronicle of Doom

Because everyone deserves the chance to chronicle ill-fated decisions to embark on workout plans that are far too advanced for them.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 2 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit (1/14)

Thus began my commitment to the morning workout. In my more often than not short-lived dedications to the pursuit of utmost fitness, there are certain beliefs I always seem to cling to. Things like not eating after 8pm and always drinking a glass of water with every meal/snack. And of course the holy grail of the morning workout. Truth be told, these beliefs are more often than not left to fester in the valley of the "theories Sarah has about how one would get mega-fit if they were so committed to doing so."

But this time, this time, a blog is up in the mix. A blog that may "mysteriously" disappear at any given juncture thus wholly proclaiming to all 2.7 of my readers that I clearly fell off the wagon. And insomuch as pride is one of my most favorite Seven Deadlies, I am hoping to no end that this fact may be just, indeed, what the doctor ordered.

All that being said, I hauled tail out of bed at 6am and pushed play. Here were some highlights:

1. WARMUP - Insanity is perhaps most famous for the warmup sequence that involves 3 rounds of aerobic moves (everything from jogging in place to the just-like-it-sounds mummy kicks) ever increasing in speed. This wouldn't be so bad except that the speed those m-er f-ers be hitting in round 1 is pretty much my top capacity. Sigh.

2. STRETCH - The truest delight for me was the much longer than I'd anticipated stretch sesh immediately following the warm-up. Sweet relief.

3. EVERYTHING ELSE - All a blur. Pretty sure it involved me cussing a good deal. And as much as I wanted my feet to leave the floor in all 78 configurations of jumps this routine has to offer, there was some serious draggage of feet.

In sum - this ish is no joke. When people as fit as the video folk are themselves looking like they're about to keel over, one cannot begin to imagine what expressions I was making. Regardless of any inability to keep up - the sweat porethed off. You best believe.


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