Day 11 - CR II (1/25)
Longest. Day. Ever. And that's before the hip-hop class I'm leaving for shortly. But a super productive one which is always a plus. We graduated ten of our beautiful/ridiculous seniors yesterday (AWESOME!) and am starting a new semester tomorrow with old and new faces alike. Should be exciting for sure.
But to the matter at hand - Insanity. This morning's workout was the highly coveted Cardio Recovery, which was a joy as always. Hardly even worthy of the Insanity label. Which is not to say I've got it down pat by any means but it's just so darn cool, calm, and collected as compared to the other videos.
As hinted at in yesterday's post, I am in fact now following the Insanity Nurtrition Guide as well. The general theory is 5 mini meals a day- heavy on the protein and veggies and slightly less heavy on the complex,multigrain carbs. There's a good deal of choice involved so there's no actual reason why I had to choose the "proatmeal" from yesterday except I had all the ingredients on hand and I always like a challenge (and that was a hella challenge to get down).
Today's meals were #1: cottage cheese, apple (with cinnamon, because that's how I roll), and cereal; #2: smoothie (berries, yogurt, protein powder, OJ); #3: turkey sandwich (on those adorable little slash sort of totally sad round 100 calorie breads) and a cup o' soup (tomato with edamame for me); #4: turkey, a slice o' cheese (low-fat, obvz), multigrain crackers; and impending post-dance class #5: some kind of spinach egg white omelette creation.
Seems balanced enough to me to try to stick with. And with Fit Test #2 looming (Saturday!) I gots to do everything a sister can to follow the Shaun T road to success which should inevitably lead to me doing like dozens of pushup jacks in a minute. Or something.
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