Day 14 - Off Day II (1/28)
Some KIND of off day indeed. Woke up in the middle of the night with that distinct phlegm in throat sensation that a cold was coming on. Thereafter worked myself up into a super anxious frenzy that such a fateful doom might surely derail me not the job I do love so much, NOR even the two Latin America vacays coming up, but cuh-learly the primary concern in my tearful hyperventilating state was that my Insanity quest might be derailed. For realz, this dedication to Shaun T is running that thick in my blood.
Thus, I let myself sleep in until 11 (why yes, some would argue I should have been at work but no student Fridays are lame as duck, and I was still owed a makeup off day after last Saturday). Drank some OJ bought some Airborne that I'm currently sipping up on, and the boo will be cooking up some of his signature chicken soup this eve so my final answer is: F off sickness, we ain't go no time nor vacancy for your shizz. Cross dem fingers.
I did make it to the gym around 2:30 for 40 minutes of ellipticali good times and 20 minutes on the (get out of town) treadmill. This was actually fairly monumental as I have not run since I twisted my knee this past summer. But insomuch as my knee has been holding strong through the earth thumping jump routines of Shaun T, I felt like it was time to get back on that pony, as much as I not-so-secretly despise it (it being running). And much to my delight, I had myself a straight-up pleasant little jog.
So what's a girl to do? Sign up for a triathlon of course. And so I did. March 12 will have me participating in the Azalea Triathlon down in Wilmington - something I've been chewing over but wanted to see how these first two weeks of Insanity went before I committed to.
In case you hadn't heard, I'm something of a triathlon superstar. Okay, that is bitterly sub-true, but actually I have completed in 3 sprint triathlons in the past few years. It's been almost 2 years since the last one though so I've been itching. There were plans to do one last fall, but the knee had other plans. I'm pumped for this, but also nervous as heck. This will be my first triathlon without my good buddy A (he is up at Tufts doing his thang) so I will surely miss his camaraderie. And this will also be my first pool swim - the 3 I've done in the past were all open water swims.
Honestly, my vision of a pool triathlon swim involves total and utter chaos; evidently you snake your way up and down the lanes and in order to pass the person in front of you you are supposed to tap their foot which means they will pause at the next wall and let you pass. Two things to would-be competitors: A) If you tap my foot, I am near certain I will kick you in the head; B) If you tap my foot, I am damn sure I will hightail it into a flip turn at the next wall ensuring you have no way to pass me. Just saying.
Plan is to add some running in the afternoons 3 days a week and probably a bike and swim each weekend to cement the training. I've got 6 weeks (one of which will be in Buenos Aires, whoops) until D-Day. It will be got.
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